Disclaimer - All photos on this page have been downloaded from various sites and are used as inspiration only. These photos were not taken by me or anyone else associated with takeurphoto.com or with “Photography by Ervin Sanders”

*This is a non-funded project to be added to my portfolio*

$200 (30 minute measurement and dress fitting + 2 hour photoshoot)

Model type - We are looking for a young lady with long light colored to red hair. (Preferrably between 18 and 24 years of age) If the model is under 18 years of age, we would require that a parent or guardian be present for measurements, fitting and the shoot (unless acceptable agreed upon arrangements can be made ahead of time). The model must be able to perform quick and graceful movements while waving a pole dawning a 6 ft x 8 ft flag. Sample pictures below show the look, hair and body type required for this shoot. If you do not meet the criteria for this shoot and you are interested in doing a future project, please check this site from time to time because new projects will be posted.

Location of Shoot: TBD - In Small Home Studio located in Spring near Kuykendahl Rd and West Rayford area.

Plan for upcoming photoshoot- This is for a beautiful patriotic portrait featuring a young lady in a long flowing white gown bearing a 6ft x 8ft American Betsy Ross Flag or Texas Flag into battle. An example below of this type of portraiture (see pic of dancer below). This portrait will be taken with a 2 second exposure causing a blur leading up to a bright in focus shot created with a rear curtain flash. We will be utilizing a smoke machine with a water-based non-toxic smoke fluid to create a smoke-filled background. The smoke will be highlighted by red and yellow gels giving the effect that the beautiful flag bearer is leading the charge.

Clothing: A white gown will be created to the measurements of the model. The measurements must be taken at least 30 days prior to the shoot. A scheduled date for a fitting will be required 1 week prior to the scheduled shoot date. The model will be in bare feet for the shoot as she is leading the charge into battle. The gown is the property of Ervin Sanders and once the shoot has been finished, the gown must be returned.

Makeup: This is a non-funded project, so I ask that the model brings her own makeup for touch-ups. Color of lipstick and eye makeup will be discussed once the model has been chosen. Jewelery in nose, lip or other facial piercings can not be worn for the shoot. It is important that the model bring her own hairbrush and/or comb.

If you feel that you matchup to the requirements outlined above, please contact me via email and we can setup a phone interview. For all minors, the email conversation must be initiated by a parent or guardian. For all others, it would be helpful if you attach a recent photo of yourself to the email. If the phone interview goes well, then a face to face interview will be scheduled. If I offer the job at the time of the face to face interview, then we can also use that time for the measuring of the gown. My wife Tammie will be doing the measurements as she will also be making the gown. Once again, models under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian for all face to face interactions unless prior arrangements have been made between myself and your parent or guardian.

If you have questions about this shoot or any other shoot, please send an email to ervin.sanders@takeurphoto.com or call me at 832-482-2201