Disclaimer - All photos on this page have been downloaded from various sites and are used as inspiration only. These photos were not taken by me or anyone else associated with takeurphoto.com or with “Photography by Ervin Sanders”

Location of Shoot: In Small Home Studio, @ Spring, TX

Compensation Ageement must be finalized at least 3 days prior to the scheduled shoot.

  • Compensation may consist of a predetermined number of prints, digital copies and/or monetary payment.

Plan for upcoming photoshoot- TBD

Clothing: Clothing - bring at least 2 different outfits of agreed colors and styles.

Makeup: Since these are non-funded projects, I ask that models bring their own makeup for touch-ups if needed. It is important that you bring your own hair brush and/or comb.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know prior to the day of the shoot.